Greener Energy Futures

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Our Impact in 2023

Greener Energy Futures’ Founder, Simon Pyne, writes:

Our Environmental Impact

In 2023 we significantly reduced our overall emissions and emissions intensity compared to the previous year, whilst maintaining revenues. We:

  • Used a carbon neutral shared office space and 100% Renewable Energy in the home office using Good Energy and Ecotricity

  • Travelled either by battery EV, public transport, walking or cycling to all meetings

  • Purchased only 2nd hand, reconditioned IT equipment from Backmarket

  • Invested in the most sustainable pension scheme for staff (Nest)

  • Shifted our corporate phone contracts to a BCorp & Sustainable provider,

    In 2024, we will:

  • Calculate emissions more accurately using better datasets using Carbon Alt Delete and where possible, activity rather than spend data

  • Set a Net Zero goal date

  • Change more of our suppliers to lower-carbon or more sustainable options.

Our Community Impact

Simon & Jessie with staff at Hartcliffe City Farm

In 2023, Greener Energy Futures volunteered at 2 community gardens in Bristol, supporting the creation of local food sustainability at Hartcliffe City Farm and Grow Wilder

We donated 0.5% of Operating Profit to charitable causes

And we provided pro-bono carbon footprint support to Solid Bar Company to help them pursue accreditation.

In 2024, we will:

  • Continue to volunteer to support local initiatives

  • Offer lower cost advice to organisations whose remit supports vulnerable groups

Our Customer Impact

Andrew Hufford, Chief Executive of Penny Brohn Cancer Care with Simon Pyne; at their Somerset site

In 2023, Greener Energy Futures worked with 28 customers, visiting Fire Services, Schools, Retailers, Charities, Events companies, and Marketing agencies. On average, we identified £27,337 of energy savings and 59 tonnes of emissions reductions.

  • We received 6 5-star reviews from customers on Google

  • We standardised our reporting tools to streamline and improve the customer experience

In 2024, we will:

  • Invest in new carbon footprinting software to better support clients

  • Provide a standardised pricing tool for quotes

  • Introduce a regular customer newsletter

Our Governance

In 2023, turnover dropped 9% and net profit dropped 80% as we invested heavily in PR and in funding staff in our efforts to improve the brand and bring more revenue in-house. Spend on external energy consultants dropped by 40%. Advertising spend rose by 448%. We:

  • Gained B Corp Accreditation

  • Rebuilt the company website to provide clarity and effectiveness

In 2024, we will:

  • Cut overheads substantially to ensure financial sustainability

  • Ensure up to date NDAs for partner work

  • Introduce e-signatures to ensure contracts for all direct client work

Our Team

Amber Rochette, seconded as intern from our partner

In 2023 we hired and trained 6 interns on real client projects – Michelle, Amber, Will, Akshath, Florence and Qaiser. All made valuable contributions and we wish the best for their career tackling environmental challenges. We:

  • Provided relevant experience to support career advancement

  • Ensured all workers got paid at least a living wage

  • Hired 50% BAME interns and 50% women

In 2024, we will:

  • Agree expectations of internships

  • Aim to train 6 interns in the year