About Us
Bristol Carbon and Net-Zero Consultancy with over 12 years experience
Greener Energy Futures was set up in response to the Climate Crisis - “what could be practically done to ‘shift the dial’ on change?”
Our realisation was that one organisation alone can only make so much difference. Our purpose lies in the ability to scale change, through our interactions with others. Thus we create positive ‘tipping points’ or ‘virtuous circles’, whereby our small lever effects much bigger change.
We shift the dial on change in two ways:
By choosing to work with organisations who have significant carbon emissions and who want to reduce them, we see significant reductions in emissions.
By helping train and develop the next generation of climate allies through internships and recruitment.
By June 2023, Greener Energy Futures has helped dozens of organisations to understand, identify and enact carbon reduction plans, totalling over 1000 tonnes of CO₂ saved annually, which is equivalent to that of 100 individuals per year.
In addition to this, we have also helped 13 young people develop their skills in carbon reduction supporting a new generation of climate champions.
Turning the tides of change
Client CO₂ Saved Per Year: 1000 Tonnes
Client CO₂ Saved Per Year: 1000 Tonnes •
Your Carbon Reduction Partner
After 10 years working in large energy solutions companies, advising on multi-million pound energy projects, Simon set up Greener Energy Futures in 2019 to support organisations wishing to pursue Net-Zero.
Simon has a degree in Environmental Science and another in Chemistry and has worked as a Non-Executive Director for a local Energy Co-Operative.
Simon Pyne
Founder of Greener Energy Futures
We recognise our own impact too, and we’re committed to the following:
Sourcing energy for home office and transport that is from Renewable only sources
Maintaining BCorp certification and using sustainable and/or local suppliers wherever possible
Only allowing the expense of plant-based foods
Using a carbon neutral rented office
Always sourcing pre-owned IT equipment
Banking with Triodos, the most sustainable bank
Pensions invested with the most sustainable funds
Choosing to conduct meetings preferentially by video-conferencing, active transport, Battery Electric Vehicle or Public Transport
Monitoring our own carbon footprint using cloud-based software